This blog was created and for use by the Kepong CSCQ Practitioners as a virtual community centre. Comments concerning the Kepong Station can be posted here. Notices of whatever nature concerning Kepong Station will also be posted here as well. Your participation and feedback are welcome. Let us together strive for improvements of health both physically and mentally.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


我大姊剛旅遊回來,提到隊友食用此方,效果很好。她現已不吃維骨力 (glucosamine) ,甚至骨質疏鬆的藥都停了。我也曾在世界日報副刊看到有人見證此方的功效。特地上網查了一下,居然有製作方法。各位界姐妹们,試試看哦,以後我們扭腰,手足舞蹈,又是一條活龍了。

治療關節炎奇方 ( 且有行血、舒筋、活絡之效 )...(health tips)( 有症治病,無症養生,酒浸葡萄乾也滿口, LKK 族關節多少有點毛病,試看看吧! )

1 、將一盒金黃色葡萄乾 ( 大顆粒,美國加州產 ) ,放在一個淺的器皿內。

2 、用 GIN酒( 英國製琴酒 )倒入器皿內,至全部葡萄乾浸過為止,一瓶酒浸泡兩斤葡萄乾。

3 、不封蓋停放,直至全部流質(即 GIN 酒 ) 被葡萄乾吸收 ( 約需七天 ) 。間中攪拌,以助流質快些吸收。

4 、將製好的葡萄乾放進有蓋的器皿內,每日食兩次或三次,每次五粒至九粒,如不喜吃葡萄乾,可將其放進沙拉或麥片粥內同食。

5 、以前本人曲膝常常會有怪聲,自從服食酒葡萄一個月之後,便已無聲,且可以走路,過街、上車等,彎腰亦不需靠牆,數星期後,我的關節炎及腳趾已消腫不痛;繼續服食三個月後,手指可以握拳。以前手指稍一動就有如刀割,現在居然已經可以使用果仁鉗來夾果仁,全身四肢恢復正常,背部亦不覺痛,亦可操握針線縫紉等工作。

去年九月有個住在麻省的朋友 Hynnis ,給我這秘方,她是從一個腳科醫生處得到的,這位醫生在未退休前是 Georgetown 醫學院的副院長。

後來我這個朋友回校探訪同事時,一個朋友告訴她,醫校的風濕專家常用這藥方給病人,通常兩個月內,每日服食這浸酒葡萄乾就可見到功效。 ( 這位腳科醫生及他的朋友食用這浸琴酒葡萄乾已有三十年的歷史了 ) 。

為什麼這藥方有這樣好功效呢?遠在聖經早期,印度和埃及的民族就已發 現 juniper berries ( 杜松子 ) 具有醫療功能,而 GIN 酒就是用 juniperberries 及其他殼類釀成的,醫生說,即使你現在服食其他藥物,或醫生囑你不要喝酒,都可不必禁忌,因為大部份的酒精早已揮發,只剩下少量酒精是無礙的,雖然我對酒無緣,但為了保持手腳靈活,我要永恆地服食這個可治療關節炎的良方。


(We received this article via an e-mail.)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Some Photos of Annuan Dinner 20-03-2010

Today, we feature some photos taken by Mr. Loo Teck Chee, the role model of Kepong Station.

For more photos, visit the FACEBOOK site of Kepong Station.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Change of Venue

The venue of the annual dinner has been changed to:-

Restoran Woo Ng Kee

地址 Address:-

No 545-546, Jalan E 3/7,
Taman Ehsan,
52100 Kepong
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel.: 03-62742305

Click on the address above to view location map.

The date & time remain unchanged.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Vigorous Exercise Increases Risk of Heart Disease
Dr. Mark Wiley

(We received this article via an e-mail.)

In my search for the best in holistic medicine I have traveled the globe and spent time with healers of all types: shamans, psychic surgeons, qigong masters, faith healers, herbalists, bone setters… you name it.

While studying a method of qigong known as zhan zhuang (pile standing) in Asia, my teacher told me something very strange. He said: “This qigong exercises forces you to stand still and not move for a long time. Because of this, your energy will increase, your body will warm, and your muscles will strengthen. But you will not damage your joints from excessive movement, nor tax your heart through robust movement, nor damage the lungs through too rapid respiration.”

I have to say that I had trouble swallowing this last part and for the past 15 years I have been trying to reason out in my mind: why not increase heart rate and respiration? After all, isn’t the entire fitness industry in the Western world based on elevating heart rate, increasing lung capacity and burning calories from sweating and muscle strength development? Well, like with so many other things, it looks like the ancient Chinese knew what they were talking about.

Recent research coming out of New York University Medical Center suggests that the more often one engages in vigorous exercise the greater their risk of developing atrial fibrillation (AF). AF is a condition characterized by irregular, rapid heart rate, which affects people in many ways from simple fainting to heart failure and stroke.

But isn’t this always the way? First something is bad for you, then good for you, then bad for you again. Don’t raise the heart rate doing vigorous exercise, said the ancient Daoist masters. Train hard and break a sweat and elevate the heart, said the masters of sport science. Sweating and elevated heart rate lead to heart disease, now say the academics—but with more tangible and less metaphoric examples for the whys of it.

Odd thing is; there are always two sides to every coin. It’s not always so easy as good vs. bad, but the degree of good vs. bad on a continuum depending on who you are and where your health condition is. For relatively healthy people with no serious biological health issues, exercise has been proven time and again to balance the body and stave off potentially life-threatening diseases, like obesity and diabetes. However, if on the other hand you do have unrecognized heart disease, then exercise may cause you to die from sudden heart attack. And the leading cause of exercise-related death among high-level athletes is coronary heart disease!

Before you decide that you do or don’t have heart disease, there’s more to the study that is important for you to know. In the study there were exercise and non-exercise groups. Men who exercised long or hard enough to break a sweat five to seven days per week actually increased their chances of developing AF by an enormous 20 percent! And the non-exercise control group? No increase in their propensity for AF.

The big surprise is this: the participants who were in the “break a sweat” group were deemed to be “healthy,” and made up of men under the age of 50 who run on a regular basis. Common sense would say the opposite results should be the case. But no, the study clearly shows that the incidence of atrial fibrillation in men who jog increased by a massive 50 percent! And it was up by 74 percent in young men who break a sweat on a regular basis!

By now you may be worried about your own condition. However, it seems that AF is common and even expected in so-called healthy athletes. This is the case because cardiomegaly (enlargement of the heart) is so common in athletes that doctors don’t even tell athletes they have a condition that can lead to heart disease. Yes, in normal, non-athletic people, if their electrocardiograms showed these same signs the docs would be very concerned and let them know.

The long and short is this: the essence of the study indicates that breaking a sweat on a regular basis is bad for your heart. And history shows that marathoners and other top athletes die at a young age as a result of heart disease. And in China, where tai chi and qigong are practiced by millions, the rate of heart disease and young heart-related deaths is among the world’s lowest.

No wonder slow-burn exercises like walking, yoga, tai chi and qigong are considered as the safest and most effective exercises around the world. And the world is a whole lot bigger than the “experts” in the United States that get all the press.

Friday, March 05, 2010

這條短信, 真的很好 !






















