This blog was created and for use by the Kepong CSCQ Practitioners as a virtual community centre. Comments concerning the Kepong Station can be posted here. Notices of whatever nature concerning Kepong Station will also be posted here as well. Your participation and feedback are welcome. Let us together strive for improvements of health both physically and mentally.

Sunday, June 27, 2010






護理長說:「 他就是娶了那位女人的人 !」

→ 得與失本來就沒有絕對的!




蜜蜂笑著回答說:「 妳只是外形像我,事實上並不是我,因此即使是一輩子蹲在花叢裡,花也不會把妳當成我 !」

→ 外表可以相似,但內涵卻是無法取代的!


中、俄、法、德、義籍人士相約以酒來顯示自己民族的文化 , 中國人拿出釀造精純的茅台 , 俄國人交出伏特加 , 法國人的香檳 , 義大利人亮出葡萄酒 , 德國人取出威士忌 , 眾彩紛呈。

此時老美不慌不忙將所有的酒都倒出一點兌在一起 ,說:「 這叫雞尾酒,它體現美國的民族精神....博採眾長、綜合創造 !」

→ 一個成功的人不是他們比別人行,而是能善用他人的長處!



後來服務員無意中知道他就是鼎鼎大名的巴斯德教授時, 趕緊跑來要求幫他更換房間, 並且向他道歉說:「 我以為旅客的闊綽和地位,和他所攜帶的行李是成正比的,所以將您認錯了,實在是很抱歉!」

巴斯德笑著回答說:「 不!我認為一個人的擺闊和他的無知才是成正比的 !」

→ 一個真正有身價有實力的人,是不需靠擺闊來提升自己地位的!







「 是你在騙我啊!如果你真的喜歡我,為何還要回頭看呢 ?」女郎回答說,接著轉身快步離去。

→ 面對已經擁有的,人們往往會不加珍惜,這不僅是對別人,也是對自己的一種傷害和損失。


Friday, June 25, 2010

30 Seconds Speech by Bryan Dyson
Former CEO of Coca-Cola

Tuesday, June 22, 2010













草龍珠蜜汁枸杞子:枸杞子,龍眼肉各 20克 ,葡萄乾 50克 ,蜂蜜 20克 ,菠蘿 200克。以上各種用淨水沖淨,入小碗加蜂蜜及適量水入蒸籠蒸20分鐘。



枸杞子,枇杷果,黑芝麻,桃仁各 50克 ,蜂蜜適量,將枇杷果,桃仁切碎,枸杞子,黑芝麻洗淨加水浸泡放入鍋內,大火燒沸,小火熬煮20分鐘,取煎汁1次,加水再煮共取液3次,合併煎液,用小火濃縮至膏,加1倍分量的蜜即成,冷卻裝瓶待用,益肺腎補虛,平喘咳潤燥,用於晚期肺癌虛弱,體質軟弱患者。







1。枸杞酒。取枸杞200克 ,白酒300克 。將枸杞洗淨,瀝乾水分,剪碎後放入細口瓶內,加入白酒,密封瓶口。每日振搖酒瓶一次,15浸泡天即可飲用。飲完後再加入 300克白酒,如上法再浸泡一次。每日臨睡前飲用, 20克每次飲。

2。枸杞粥。優質枸杞50克 ,粳米100克 ,洗淨後同煮成粥,可作為每天早餐食用。

3。枸杞蛋。雞蛋兩個,枸杞30克 ,洗淨後同用水煮。雞蛋熟後去殼,放入湯內再煮,煮好後吃蛋喝湯。連吃天為一療程3-5 ,停一天後繼續食用。一般3個療程即可見效。























5。高血壓,糖尿病:每日用枸杞子15克 ,煎湯代茶,常服有效。

6。夜盲,視力衰退:枸杞子6克 ,白菊花6克,泡水代茶。

7。肝虛眼痛,見風流淚,雲清遮眼,白內障等症:枸杞子250克 ,黃酒適量,浸於壇中,密封1-2個月後,每日食後適量飲,一日2次。

8。枸杞補腎可選用枸杞羊腎湯:枸杞子30克 ,羊腎一對,加水及調料後熬燉,喝湯吃腎。枸杞的補虛作用重點在補腎,治腎虛腰痛療效顯著,宜佐餐常用。

9。枸杞安神可用枸杞桂圓粥:取枸杞10克 ,桂圓肉15克 ,紅棗4枚,粳米100克 ,洗淨加水熬粥食用。此方對血虛失眠效果較好。宜常食。

10。枸杞健腦可選用枸杞羊腦璞:取枸杞250克 ,羊腦一個,放入容器,加食鹽,蔥,姜,料酒,隔水蒸熟。食用前可酌加味精少許調味。宜佐餐食之。

11。枸杞烏髮可選用枸杞核桃璞:100克取枸杞,核桃仁12個,小黑豆100克 ,加水適量熬至豆爛即成,放涼後置於冰箱內,每日早晚加熱後各服15-30克。


13。慢性萎縮性胃炎:選寧夏枸杞子洗淨,烘乾打碎分裝,每日20克 ,分2次於空腹時嚼服,2個月為1個療程。

(We received this article via an e-mail.)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cancer Symptoms, Most Ignored!!!
By Melanie Haiken Senior Editor

(We received this article via an e-mail.)

Annual checkups and tests such as colonoscopies and PSA assays are important, but it’s not a good idea to rely on tests alone to protect you from cancer.

It’s just as important to listen to your body and notice anything that’s different, odd, or unexplainable.

(You should also listen to those close to you, such as a wife or partner, because others sometimes notice things we’re unaware of–or don’t want to admit.)

You don’t want to join the ranks of cancer patients who realize too late that symptoms they’d noticed for a long time could have sounded the alarm earlier, when cancer was easier to cure.

1. Upset stomach or stomachache

One of the first signs colon cancer patients remember experiencing when they look back is unexplained stomach aches.

Those with pancreatic cancer describe a dull ache that feels like it’s pressing inward. Many liver cancer patients say they went in complaining of stomach cramps and upset stomachs so frequently that their doctors thought they had ulcers. Liver cancer patients and those with leukemia can experience abdominal pain resulting from an enlarged spleen, which may feel like an ache on the lower left side..

If you have a stomachache that you can’t attribute to a digestive problem or that doesn’t go away, ask your doctor to order an ultrasound.

Finding a liver or pancreatic tumor early can make all the difference in treatment.

2. Chronic “acid stomach” or feeling full after a small meal

The most common early sign of stomach cancer is pain in the upper or middle abdomen that feels like gas or heartburn. It may be aggravated by eating, so that you feel full when you haven’t actually eaten much. What’s particularly confusing is that the pain can be relieved by antacids, confirming your conclusion that it was caused by acid in the stomach, when it’s more than that.

An unexplained pain or ache in lower right side can be the first sign of liver cancer, known as one of the “silent killers.” Feeling full after a small meal is a common sign of liver cancer as well.

If you have frequent bouts of acid stomach, an unexplained abdominal ache, or a full feeling after meals even when you’re eating less than normal, call your doctor.

3. Unexplained weight loss
If you notice the pounds coming off and you haven’t made changes to your diet or exercise regime, it’s important to find out why. Unexplained weight loss can be an early sign of colon and other digestive cancers; it can also be a sign of cancer that’s spread to the liver, affecting your appetite and the ability of your body to rid itself of waste.

4. Jaundice
Pancreatic cancer, another one of the “silent killers,” is often discovered when someone notices jaundice and asks the doctor to do a battery of tests. Jaundice is most commonly thought of as a yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes, but darker-than- normal urine that’s not the result of dehydration is also a sign. Clay-colored stools are another little-known sign of jaundice. Oddly, jaundice can also cause itching, because the bile salts in the bloodstream cause the skin to itch.

Some people with pancreatic cancer say they noticed the itching before they noticed the jaundice itself.

5. Wheezing or shortness of breath
One of the first signs lung cancer patients remember noticing when they look back is the inability to catch their breath. “ I couldn’t even walk to my car without wheezing; I thought I had asthma, but how come I didn’t have it before ? ”, is how one man described it. Shortness of breath, chest pain, or spitting blood are also signs of testicular cancer that’s spread to the lungs.

6. Chronic cough or chest pain

Several types of cancer, including leukemia and lung tumors, can cause symptoms that mimic a bad cough or bronchitis.

One way to tell the difference:

The problems persist, or go away and come back again in a repeating cycle. Some lung cancer patients report chest pain that extends up into the shoulder or down the arm.

7. Frequent fevers or infections

These can be signs of leukemia, a cancer of the blood cells that starts in the bone marrow. Leukemia causes the marrow to produce abnormal white blood cells, which crowd out healthy white cells, sapping the body’s infection-fighting capabilities. Doctors sometimes catch leukemia in older adults only after the patient has been in a number of times complaining of fever, aches, and flu-like symptoms over an extended period of time.

8. Difficulty swallowing
Most commonly associated with esophageal or throat cancer, having trouble swallowing is sometimes one of the first signs of lung cancer, too. Men diagnosed with esophageal cancer look back and remember a feeling of pressure and soreness when swallowing that didn’t go away the way a cold or flu would have. Consult your doctor also if you have a frequent feeling of needing to clear your throat or that food is stuck in your chest; either of these can signal a narrowing of the esophagus that could mean the presence of a tumor.

9. Chronic heartburn
If you just ate half a pizza, heartburn is expected. But if you have frequent episodes of heartburn or a constant low-level feeling of pain in the chest after eating, call your doctor and ask to be screened for esophageal cancer.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) — a condition in which stomach acid rises into the esophagus, causing heartburn and an acidic taste in the throat — can trigger a condition called Barrett’s esophagus, which can be a precursor of esophageal cancer...

10. Swelling of facial features
Some patients with lung cancer report that they noticed puffiness, swelling, or redness in the face. The explanation for this is that small cell lung tumors commonly block blood vessels in the chest, preventing blood from flowing freely from the head and face.

11. Swollen lymph nodes or lumps on the neck, underarm, or groin

Enlarged lymph nodes indicate changes in the lymphatic system, which can be a sign of cancer. For example, a lump or an enlarged lymph in the neck or underarm is sometimes a sign of thyroid, head, or throat cancer.

A painless lump on the neck, underarm, or groin can be an early sign of leukemia.

12. Excessive bruising or bleeding that doesn’t stop

This symptom usually suggests something abnormal happening with the platelets and red blood cells, which can be a sign of leukemia. One man with leukemia noticed that his gums bled when he brushed his teeth; another described bruising in strange places, such as on his fingers and hands.

The explanation : Over time, leukemia cells crowd out red blood cells and platelets, impairing the blood’s ability to carry oxygen and clot.

13. Weakness and fatigue
“I had to stop halfway across the yard and sit down when I was mowing the lawn,” said one man when describing the fatigue that led to his discovery of pancreatic cancer. Generalized fatigue and weakness is a symptom of so many different kinds of cancer (and other ills) that you’ll need to look at it in combination with other symptoms.

But any time, you feel exhausted without explanation and it doesn’t respond to getting more sleep, talk to your doctor.

14. Rectal bleeding or blood in stool
“I thought it was hemorrhoids” is one of the most common statements doctors hear when diagnosing colorectal cancer.

Blood in the toilet alone is reason to call your doctor and schedule a colonoscopy.

Another sign of blood in the stool many people miss is stools that are darker in color.

15. Bowel problems
Constipation, diarrhea, and changes in stools can all be signs of cancer.

As with many other cancer symptoms, the way to tell if this is cause for concern is if it goes on for more than a few days without a clear cause, such as flu or food poisoning.

People diagnosed with colon cancer say they noticed more frequent stools, as well as a feeling that their bowels were not emptied completely.

One of the early signs of pancreatic cancer is fatty stools, which can be recognized as frequent, large stools that are paler than normal and smelly. This is a sign that your body’s not absorbing your food normally, and it should be brought to your doctor’s attention.

16. Difficulty urinating or changes in flow
Hands-down, the most common early sign of prostate cancer is a feeling of not being able to start peeing once you’re set to go. Many men also report having a hard time stopping the flow of urine, a flow that starts and stops, or a stream that’s weaker than normal. Any of these symptoms is reason to call your doctor for an exam and a screening test for prostate-specific antigen.

17. Pain or burning during urination

This symptom can also indicate a urinary tract infection or sexually transmitted disease, of course, but in any case it warrants an immediate trip to the doctor. This symptom is often combined with the feeling that you need to go more often, particularly at night. These same symptoms can also indicate inflammation or infection in the prostate or benign prostatic hyperplasia, the name for what happens when the prostate grows bigger and blocks the flow of urine. However, you need to get checked out to tell the difference.

18. Blood in urine or semen
Men are often warned about blood in the urine, but they may not realize that blood in semen is also a danger sign for prostate cancer. Blood in the urine or semen isn’t always visible as blood; urine may just be a pink, dark red, or smoky brown color, while blood in the semen may just look like a pinkish streak.

19. Erection problems
As prostate cancer progresses, another very common sign is difficulty getting or sustaining an erection. This can be a difficult subject to talk about, but it’s important to bring it to your doctor’s attention. It could be a sign of sexual dysfunction with another cause, of course, but it’s a reason to have an exam and a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test.

20. Pain, aching, or heaviness in the groin, hips, thighs, or abdomen
One sign of prostate cancer is frequent pain in the hips, upper thighs, or the lowest part of the back. Men with testicular cancer report noticing a heavy, aching feeling low in the belly or abdomen, or in the scrotum or testicles themselves. They sometimes describe it as a feeling of downward pulling or as a generalized ache throughout the groin area.

Prostate cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes often makes itself known as discomfort in the pelvis or swelling in the legs.

21. Testicular swelling or lump
The lumps that indicate testicular cancer are nearly always painless.
It’s also common for a testicle to be enlarged or swollen, but lacking any specific lump that you can see or feel.

Some men report feeling discomfort from the enlargement, but not an outright pain.

22. Unexplained back pain
Back pain can mean all sorts of things, of course — most often pulled muscles or disc problems. But unexplained, persistent back pain can be an early sign of cancer as well, so get it checked out.

Pain in the lower back and hips can be a sign of prostate cancer, while pain in the upper back can signal lung cancer.

A pain in the upper abdomen and back is one of the few early signs of pancreatic cancer.

23. Scaly or painful nipple or chest, nipple discharge
Men do get breast cancer; they also get a condition called gynecomastia, which is a benign lump in the breast area. Breast cancer is usually detected as a lump, but if it’s spreading inward it can also cause chest pain.

Other signs of breast cancer include patches of red, scaly, or dimpled skin or changes to the nipple such as turning inward or leaking fluid.

Bring any lump, swelling, or skin or nipple problem, or any chest pain, to your doctor's attention.

24. A sore or skin lump that doesn’t heal, becomes crusty, or bleeds easily

Most of us know how to watch moles for changes that might indicate skin cancer.
But other signs, such as small waxy lumps or dry scaly patches, are easier to miss.

Familiarize yourself with the different types of skin cancer — melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma — and be vigilant about checking skin all over the body for odd-looking growths or spots.

25. Changes in nails
Unexplained changes to the fingernails can be a sign of several types of cancer. A brown or black streak or dot under the nail can indicate skin cancer .

A newly discovered “clubbing,” which means enlargement of the ends of the fingers, with nails that curve down over the tips, can be a sign of lung cancer..

Pale or white nails can be an indication that your liver is not functioning properly, sometimes a sign of liver cancer.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010












































Friday, June 11, 2010

What Goes Around Comes Around

(We received this story via an e-mail.)

One day a man saw a old lady, stranded on the side of the road, but even in the dim light of day, he could see she needed help. So he pulled up in front of her Mercedes and got out. His Pontiac was still sputtering when he approached her.

Even with the smile on his face, she was worried. No one had stopped to help for the last hour or so. Was he going to hurt her? He didn't look safe; he looked poor and hungry.

He could see that she was frightened, standing out there in the cold. He knew how she felt. It was that chill which only fear can put in you.

He said, 'I'm here to help you, ma'am. Why don't you wait in the car where it's warm? By the way, my name is Bryan Anderson.'

Well, all she had was a flat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad enough. Bryan crawled under the car looking for a place to put the jack, skinning his knuckles a time or two. Soon he was able to change the tire. But he had to get dirty and his hands hurt.

As he was tightening up the lug nuts, she rolled down the window and began to talk to him. She told him that she was from St. Louis and was only just passing through. She couldn't thank him enough for coming to her aid.

Bryan just smiled as he closed her trunk. The lady asked how much she owed him. Any amount would have been all right with her. She already imagined all the awful things that could have happened had he not stopped. Bryan never thought twice about being paid. This was not a job to him. This was helping someone in need, and God knows there were plenty, who had given him a hand in the past. He had lived his whole life that way, and it never occurred to him to act any other way.

He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could give that person the assistance they needed, and Bryan added, 'And think of me.'

He waited until she started her car and drove off. It had been a cold and depressing day, but he felt good as he headed for home, disappearing into the twilight.

A few miles down the road the lady saw a small cafe. She went in to grab a bite to eat, and take the chill off before she made the last leg of her trip home. It was a dingy looking restaurant. Outside were two old gas pumps. The whole scene was unfamiliar to her. The waitress came over and brought a clean towel to wipe her wet hair. She had a sweet smile, one that even being on her feet for the whole day couldn't erase. The lady noticed the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant, but she never let the strain and aches change her attitude. The old lady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger. Then she remembered Bryan .

After the lady finished her meal, she paid with a hundred dollar bill. The waitress quickly went to get change for her hundred dollar bill, but the old lady had slipped right out the door. She was gone by the time the waitress came back. The waitress wondered where the lady could be. Then she noticed something written on the napkin.

There were tears in her eyes when she read what the lady wrote: 'You don't owe me anything. I have been there too. Somebody once helped me out, the way I'm helping you. If you really want to pay me back, here is what you do: Do not let this chain of love end with you.'

Under the napkin were four more $100 bills.

Well, there were tables to clear, sugar bowls to fill, and people to serve, but the waitress made it through another day. That night when she got home from work and climbed into bed, she was thinking about the
money and what the lady had written. How could the lady have known how much she and her husband needed it? With the baby due next month, it was going to be hard....

She knew how worried her husband was, and as he lay sleeping next to her, she gave him a soft kiss and whispered soft and low, 'Everything's going to be all right. I love you, Bryan Anderson.'

There is an old saying 'What goes around comes around.' Today I sent you this story, and I'm asking you to pass it on. Let this light shine.

Don't delete it, don't return it. Simply, pass this on to a friend

Good friends are like stars....You don't always see them, but you know they are always there.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Food for Thoughts

(1) 知足 Contentment

一個人的快樂 不是因為拥有得多,而是因為計較得少。

A person’s happiness does not derive from the abundance of wealth, but from being less petty.

Jing Si Aphorism by Master Cheng Yen

(2) 昨天我和一個朋友聊到一句話,我覺得很有意義, 每個人一生中都要信兩種教 , 你 知道是什麼教嗎....? 當然不是睡覺 .....^.^

不計較不比較 .....

人活著都會有許多的慾望,慾望多了,漸漸會慾求不滿,到最後就演變成為了滿足自己的慾望而去傷害別人 ...



因此我們做人要謙虛,要知足,更要惜福 ....


世界這麼大,每個人都有他的過人之處,如果我們不懂得縮小自己,只是一味的覺得自己比別人厲害,這樣永遠都不會成功,永遠都不會滿足,也永遠都不會快樂 ....

因為一山比一山高,所以不要去和人家比較,這不是要你因此不求上進喔 ..... ,是要你懂得謙虛 ..

而是要你將心放大,去包容每一個人,從家人,朋友,甚至陌生人 ...

也許我解釋得不是很好,但我體會很深 ...

如果每個人都能有所體悟,都能放寬心,相信都會過得很快樂 ....

because.......... 知足常樂!
在星期一開始時 , 我的這封信告訴你,這個禮拜會不一樣。
好的開始就是成功的一半 .^.^
祝 你 天 天 快 樂

快 樂 - 星 期 一
歡 喜 - 星 期 二
開 心 - 星 期 三
興 奮 - 星 期 四
歡 笑 - 星 期 五

輕 鬆 - 星 期 六

愉 快 - 星 期 天 ..

希 望 你 天 天 美 好 愉 快 !

懂得珍惜 才是幸福的人.....


(We received this article via an e-mail.)

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Conquering Disease with Simple Food

An Interview with Dr. Tom Wu N.M.D. Part 2

Cancer, Diabetes, & Heart Disease can be overcome through diet. Dr. Tom Wu’s breakthroughs with Cancer & Diabetes have earned him the “Remarkable Contribution Award” from the American Cancer Society and the “World Famous Doctor Award” from The United Nations.

Jeff: Longevity at 120 years old can be found in many of the poorest countries in the world. You have personally talked with many people who have reached this age trying to find a common link between them. Have you noticed a trend or something that all of these people did?

Dr. Tom Wu:
The most important thing is that they come back to nature. Live naturally. These people live in a totally stress free environment. They drink very clean water and they sip it very slowly. Not the way we drink. We drink here and gulp it down. They drink drop by drop. For breakfast they take a cup of water and quarter teaspoon of honey. They eat peacefully.

I enjoyed the company of one man who was over 120. After he finished his breakfast I looked at the clock. It took him 3 hours. And what did his breakfast consist of? Apples and a little cup of water with a quarter teaspoon of honey. That’s it! And it took 3 hours! Now we go and have it in 5 minutes. When we eat very slowly chewing every mouthful of the food, the digestion works better. 40 times for each mouthful; and not a big mouthful, a little tiny mouthful. So we can cleave out all the phytochemicals in the fibers. That is why they live long. And not just long, but without disease. Rarely do they get colds, and when they do it heals overnight. I have used this knowledge on myself. Immediately when I get a cold I stop eating and only drink water and rest a lot. Then the next day I get well right away.

Reflexology involves massaging specific points on the feet to stimulate internal organs. It has been practiced for several thousand years. You have developed your own reflexology chart, which lists points to massage for carpal tunnel syndrome, prostate dysfunction, and lower back pain. You give numerous biblical references such as Jesus anointing the feet of his disciples the night before his death. What is it about our feet that makes massaging them such a powerful self-healing exercise?

Dr. Tom Wu: When God created man he is so intelligent that he put the reflex points for all the organs on the bottom of the feet. Universal Energy flows down into your Bui Hai acupuncture point from the source. When this energy moves down through your body, it shines a negative imprint of your organs on the bottom of your feet. We can not massage our heart, but we can massage the point for the heart and it is the same! Only God could create such a device. Reflexology was not created by man, it was created by God. This is important to say. Also, the points on top of the feet, these are not known or taught by many people. They are for helping with pain.

Aside from consulting your health care professional, when you have a heart problem you massage the reflex area on the upper center of the left foot. This connects to the heart. All the pain like lower back pain, sciatica, carpal tunnel - is all on the top of the foot. That is why the people come to me for the carpal tunnel syndrome. Usually in 2 minutes the carpel tunnel just goes away by itself, but it’s not healed. It is only relieved. You have to do it twice daily on the reflex area, or the switch or the trigger point area, until there is no more pain at all. This is possible within 10 days to a month. It depends how sever the carpal tunnel is. But you don’t need to get an operation. The surgery will not heal you because the switch is still turned off.

Jeff: What is the difference between the Reflex points on the bottom of the feet and the “switches” on the top of the feet?

Dr. Tom Wu: On the bottom we are referring to the reflex area to the organs. The top is the trigger point used to relieve pain. All kinds of pain can be healed on the top of the foot. The bottom is for adjusting organ function.

Jeff: You have practiced Meditation and Qigong Healing since you were a child. This includes breathing techniques, specialized movements, and visualizations to influence the acupuncture meridians & electro-magnetic field. For the last few years you have been a keynote speaker at the International Qigong Congress, which is held annually in San Francisco. This is where I met with you for the first time. There was a panel of scientists and doctors present offering conclusive evidence for Qigong’s health benefits. Please tell us about the mechanisms by which Qigong accomplishes healing from a scientific perspective?

Dr. Tom Wu: The Qigong is very easy to practice. For western medicine it is a phenomenon, but for me it’s nothing but normal exercise. Qigong is exercise combined with the mind. You can use any exercise like yoga and combine it with the mind and it becomes Qigong. For example the yoga for helping back pain when you combined with Qigong becomes far more powerful. Most of the yoga exercises to relieve pain are very physical, but when you use Qigong exercises to relieve the pain you add in another dimension. All exercise, even brisk walking, can become Qigong too. That’s why you have to use your mind. Use the visualization. Then it will heal. When this visualization is used during a Qigong Healing emission in a Qi healing it is very powerful. There is the emitter of Qi and a receiver of Qi. When they synchronize mind intention at the same time you often have instant relief. Sometimes you have what is called spontaneous healing. Immediate remission.

During one of the workshops I did in Taiwan we witnessed such an event. A lady in the audience had breast cancer and she was supposed to go and get an operation. Her friend had insisted that she come to join the workshop, which was 5 days. After much convincing the woman finally agreed to attend. During the workshop we had 1 hour of Qigong exercise
every morning. On the 4th day during the Qigong this lady suddenly felt a heat and she said it came from my hand. There were about 200 people there and she was sitting in the back of the room very far away from me. She started to feel very hot and she began shouting “I’m healed!” And then shouted it 3 more times. Everyone asked her why she had shouted. Then I walked over to her… She said, “Yes, I feel total relief in my breast. I don’t feel pain anymore.” I was curious so I touched her and did not feel any lumps at all. That’s what happened. Many people quickly asked “Who healed her?” I told them that I never heal anyone. Then I said, “That is the Qi. God has healed you.”

Jeff: Wow! That is an incredible story! Thank you for sharing that. Let’s move to our next question: Diagnosing hidden health problems, later verified by tests, seems to be a specialty of yours. I spoke with an old patient of yours named Clarence, who has given me permission to use his name. Clarence told me you “knew” he just had a stroke and that it was on the left side of his body. You told him that shortly he was going to have a much bigger stroke, but that it would occur on his right side. Then you told Clarence that if he followed your diet exactly to the letter- that he would live. 15 years later he is alive and he tells me he is stronger than ever before in his life. How is it that you know what is happening inside a patient’s body without performing any medical tests? What signs do you look at?

Dr. Tom Wu: Well, this is a special gift from God. I cannot tell you really. It won’t happen to all the patients either. Sometimes there is a natural communication. This person before he became my patient was just passing through at the Health Expo. He said he felt terrible, like he was going to die. The energy tells me that he just has a stroke 2 months ago. This Qi or telepathic communication gives the message. Or maybe God, knowing that he is a very good man should live longer. It’s so very hard to tell. A lot of my patients first come to me and say, “You see what problems I am having. Tell me what is wrong.” I tell them, “ have to tell me. Why did you come to see me? You have to tell me and give some hint.” It’s like I am a computer and the software is the information they provide. So I need their information. I am not claiming to be psychic.

Jeff: Is your Food Healing Program easy for people to implement into their life? What does your system entail? How long does it take to work?

Dr. Tom Wu: It is not hard! The body requires around 4 months to totally rejuvenate itself. Our seminar is given all over the world. People have been able to learn and do all this by themselves in the past, so certainly anyone has a good reason to make the effort. It is a lifestyle change. Not a quick fix. I will only visit each city once per lifetime. I never return to the same city twice, because it is simple. Once you hear it, you must do it. It is easy and it is entirely up to you! After the lectures Dr. Janet Wu, my wife, shows you how to blend and prepare all the Qi-rich foods. For the reflexology we show you how to massage the points. We’ll also show you some very simple Qigong exercises to increase your Qi. Everybody can do this if they are motivated to change their lifestyle. It comes from your own desire to improve.