This blog was created and for use by the Kepong CSCQ Practitioners as a virtual community centre. Comments concerning the Kepong Station can be posted here. Notices of whatever nature concerning Kepong Station will also be posted here as well. Your participation and feedback are welcome. Let us together strive for improvements of health both physically and mentally.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

焦赖美达花园辅导站三周年晚会之照片 Some Photos for Cheras Taman Midah Station's 3rd Anniversary Celebration

On 24-08-2006, Cheras Station at Taman Midah celebrated their 3rd anniversary. More than 10 practitioners from Kepong Station attended the occassion. Below are some of the photographs taken by Yap Chee Keong:-
Yap Chee Keong & Ker Beng Choo

Cake cutting and at the same time celebrated birthday for those borned in August.

SK Chan in yellow and Leong Ah Lin in red.

Eric Ho

Catherine Wong & Ker Beng Choo

2nd from left: Steven How, SK Chan & Leong Ah Lin

赵金香宗师之中华医疗养生问答 Q & A on Healthy Living by Grandmaster Zhao Jin-Xiang (No. 12)


答:是的,终生每日早晨一杯牛奶,可保持终生不缺钙,不骨疼、不龟背、不骨折。防止骨质增生、腰疼、背疼、腿疼、浑身疼、骨疏松和老年抑忧症…….. 等。

What are the benefits of drinking milk for life?

Daily intake of a cup of milk a day for life will prevent lack of calcium. Bones will not ache. Back will not hunch. Bones will not break. This also prevents back ache, pain in the legs, and whole body aching, osteoporosis and sadness disease at old age, etc.

功友学习开智明目功 Practitioners Learning KZMMG

Below is a short video showing some practitioners at Kepong Station learning Kai Zhi Ming Mu Gong.

Below is another downloadable file. Click on it to download. (file size = 306 kb)

To Friends.pps

Monday, August 28, 2006

赵金香宗师之中华医疗养生问答 Q & A on Healthy Living by Grandmaster Zhao Jin-Xiang (No. 11)

11. 为什么要每人每天早晨喝一杯(250克)牛奶?



Why a person needs to drink a cup of milk (250mg) every morning?

There are lots of advantages in the food consumed by Chinese. However, from analysis, 99% of them are deficiency in Calcium. According to normal calculations, each person needs 800mg of Calcium daily. There is only 500gm of calcium in the food we eat daily showing a lack of 300mg which so happens is contained in a cup of milk. Thus, a cup of milk a day compensates this lack of Calcium.

(Caution: Milk may contain high fat. Too much fat is bad for grownup. Go for low fat milk.)

Below is another downloadable file. Click HERE to download.
File name = MyBestWishes.pps (file size = 673 kb)

Sunday, August 27, 2006


  人的体质不同,养生的方法也不同。中医根据阴阳五行学说,按人的胖瘦、体形、肤色、姿态、言谈、举止以及对外界的适应能力,把人的体质分为几种类型,其中 最常见的为阴虚型、阳虚型、气滞血瘀型、痰湿型、气血两虚型,这些人,如能根据自己的体质类型来养生,便可取得事半功倍的效果。





  气血两虚型:表现为面色皓白,心慌气短,头晕目眩,手脚麻木,容易出汗。这些人应加强营养,吃些高蛋白、高维生素的食物,也可吃些含人参的食品,如人参 糖、人参饼干等,西洋参不发燥、不生火,一年四季都可食用。由于体质虚弱,容易疲劳,故应适当休息,防止过度疲劳。如果每天早晨起来能做做广播操、打打太 极拳、散散步、慢跑一会、按摩一下四肢及胸腹,则对调整气血、增强体质有很大的帮助作用,在养生中不可忽视。

稿源:中国体育报 董晓华


可下载之挡案,Downloadable file (file size = 81 kb). Click to download


恭喜四位新鹤功老师 Congratulations to 4 New CSCQ Trainers

On August 13, 2006, the following practitioners sat for the test for CSCQ trainers. Results were made known today and they passed. We hereby sincerely congratulate them:-

叶志强 Yap Chee Keong
Mariah Bt Md. Arof
黄雅樱 Alice Wong
佘克渑 Chia Kheat Sing

Friday, August 25, 2006

赵金香宗师之中华医疗养生问答 Q & A on Healthy Living by Grandmaster Zhao Jin-Xiang (No. 10)

10. 动脉硬化、肿瘤和糖尿病是怎样得的呢?

答:得这些病有两个原因: 一是内因,二是外因。内因即遗传基因,外因即环境因素。




Hardening of Arteries, Ulcers and Diabetes: How are they contracted?

There are two reasons: the first is internal and the second is external. Internal means hereditary while external is due to environmental factors.

(1) Internal reason: It is inclined to hereditary factors. For instance, if both father and mother are suffering from high blood pressures, the chance that their child is having the same disease is 45%. If only the father or mother is a sufferer of high blood pressure, the chance that their child is having the same is 28%. If neither father nor mother is having high blood pressure, the probability of their child have the same is only 3.5%. Let us site another example of hereditary factors: rabbits should by right eat carrots and vegetables. If we let them eat instead pork oil mingled with egg yolk, they will suffer high cholesterol levels in 4 weeks. By the eight week, their arteries harden and by the 12th week, they contract coronary heart disease (CHD). Another example: Let ducks eat pork oil mingled with egg yolk, the results are surprisingly different. Their arteries do not harden and they do not contract CHD. Why the difference is the results for these 2 species of animals? The reason is simply because they are 2 different species. Their hereditary genes are different. Some are 100% while some have none. Hereditary factors are only inclination and they cannot be the same for all.

There is another external factor which is due to changes in our 7 emotions, viz. happiness, anger, worry, thought, sorrow, fear and shock. Happiness affects the heart. Anger affects the liver. Worry and thought affects the spleen. Sorrow affects the lung. Fear and shock affect the kidneys.

External factors constitute 20% of all chronic diseases while internal make up the remaining 80%.

(2) External reason: Influences from environmental pollution, hygiene, society, emotions, including wind, wetness, heat, dryness, noise & coldness. They have certain influences on our human body. Take for instance, if you are exposed to cold weather, you can get a cold easier. It is important to have good social human relationships among people. Owing to lack of education, morality declines. Many get angry easily. They can be selfish, corrupted. We need to enhance civilization and strengthen our moral qualities; otherwise more diseases can be contracted. For example, there may be harmful chemicals added to our daily food consumed for greater profitability without due consideration for others health. We need to rectify this situation all by ourselves.

(We apologize for any inaccuracy in the English translation)

Click HERE to download a PDF file titled NeverBeSickAgain.pdf. It should be printed and then paste onto a prominent wall. (file size = 47 kb)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

鹤首通关 Routine 3 Vidoe by Grandmaster Zhao Jin-Xiang

We hope this video will be of help to you in your practice. 我们希望此片段能对功友们有所帮助。

Below is another downloadable file we got from Kelvin Lai. As usual, click on it to download. (file size = 3 mb)

更多师资提升班的照片 More Photos taken during the Upgrading Course

老师练功 Trainers practicing Routine 5

郭明珠,赵国庆老师,Kak Mariah,侯永发,SK Chan & Catherine Wong

赵国庆老师讲话 Master Zhao Guo-Qing speaking to Participants from KL

甲洞的老师及功友 Kepong Practitioners

老师们的合体照 Trainers Group Photo

全体参与者的合体照 Group Photo

吉隆坡老师们的合体照 Trainers from Kuala Lumpur

甲洞的老师及功友 Kepong Practitioners

甲洞的老师及功友 Kepong Practitioners

甲洞的老师及功友 Participants from Kepong

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

中华医疗养生问答 Q & A on Healthy Living by Grandmaster Zhao Jin-Xiang (No. 9)

9. 什么是文明健康生活方式?


What is civilized and healthy living style?

Answer: Good eating habits; sufficient exercise; stopping smoking and drinking alcohol; psychologically balanced; pay attention to hygiene. Doing the above will reduce high blood pressure by 35%, stroke and coronary heart disease by 75%, diabetes by 50%, ulcers by 1/3. Average life span will be extended by more than 10 years. Civilized and healthy living style is very simple. It is free and very effective.

Dowloadable file. Click on it to download.
(file size = 269 kb)

Monday, August 21, 2006

Birthday Celebration for August 2006 on 21-08-2006

As in previous months, we celebrated. Below are some photos taken during the celebration. Most of the photos were taken by Mr. CK Yap.

These are the birthday boys & girls.

Catherine Wong & SK Chan

Wah! Kentucky fried chicken - compliments of Cindy Yew

Kak Mariah & Ching Ah Ying

CK Yap & BC Ker

Ching Ah Ying, Lim Kwee Gek & Chang Tuck Choy

They were watching the birthday video which can also be viewed at this BLOG.

YK Yap, CL Ng, KS Chia, Kak Mariah & KG Lim

Wong Kim Swee 黄金水

As in previous months, we celebrated. Below are some photos taken during the celebration. Most of the photos were taken by Mr. CK Yap.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

2 Days Kuantan/Sg Lembing/Pancing Cave/Buddha Temple/Teluk Cempedak Tour

As you already know, some practitioners of Kepong Station are arganising a tour as stated above. The itenery is as follows:-

Day 1 - Kuala Lumpur/Kuantan Sg. Lembing (09/09/2006)
* Meet at the station at 11:00 p.m. to board tour coach for transfer to Kuantan.

Day 2 - Kuantan (Lunch included) (10/09/2006)
* Arrive early morning at Sg. Lembing town.
* Trak up to the top for sunrise's wonder & cloud sea's wonder (depends on weather condition).

* Back to breakfast on own account to enjoy local home made Yong Tau Foo, etc.
* Proceed to Pancing Cave where you can discover a Reclining Buddha, Stalactites & Stalagmites.
* Visit Buddha Temple.
* After lunch, proceed to Teluk Cempedak.
* Visit native product center.
* Return to Kuala Lumpur

Tour Fare Per Pax = RM95.00

Those who have confirmed their participation are requested to pay up by Monday 21-08-2006. Vacancies are still available, those interested kindly contact Liliah Loh, Loo Teck Chee, Alice Wong or Lim Kwee Hong.

We wish all a happy and enjoyable tour.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Marvellous Scenery

Okay! Its weekend again. Let's look at some marvellous scenery contained in a PPS file complete with light music in the background. Click HERE to download or view.

Friday, August 18, 2006

More Photos from the Upgrading Course on August 11 & 12

These photographs were all taken by Mr. CK Yap.

Master Zhao Guo-Qing

Dato Jimmy Ng

Kak Mariah & Alice Wong

Master Steven How

中华医疗养生问答 Q & A on Healthy Living by Grandmaster Zhao Jin-Xiang (No. 8)

8. 预防脑溢血的办法最好是什么?

答: 1)提高涵养,不生气;(2)按时服药,控制血压;(3)吃饭不要饱,走路不要跑,大便不用力,防止摔倒。

What is the best way of preventing brain hemorrhage?

Answer: (1) Improve your temperament, do not get angry; (2) Consume prescribed medicine at prescribed times, control blood pressures. (3) When you eat, do not eat till full. When you walk, do not run. When you pass motion, do not use strength. Prevent falling down.

Click to download the PPS file below. We got it from Kelvin Lai. File size = 1 mb.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Annoucement on 17-08-2006

Those practitioners who have participated in in upgrading course on 11th to 13th August, 2006 are requested to attend a discussion at the main training centre in Setapak on 27th August, 2006 (Sunday) from 10am to 12 noon.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

柱地通天 Routine 2 Video Demonstration by Grandmaster Zhao Jin-Xiang

We hope you find this video useful in your practice.

中华医疗养生问答 Q & A on Healthy Living by Grandmaster Zhao Jin-Xiang (No. 7)

7. 预防心脑血管中风的三个半小时是什么?


What is the 3 x 1/2 hours that prevents cardiovascular stroke?

Answer: The 3 x 1/2 hours are: (1) After waking up in the morning, do some exercises for 1/2 hour. Exercises like jogging & qigong can be done. (2) At mid-day, sleep for 1/2 hour. This is required biologically especially for old people who require mid-day rest more. (3) Before going to bed at night, walk slowly for 1/2 hour. By so doing and especially for old people, the occurrence of sicknesses due to high blood pressure and hardening of the heart muscles can be reduced.

Click HERE to download a PPS file in Chinese on healthy living. Lots of tips are shown in this file. Hope you like it and practice as much as you can on the given tips. The name of the file in Chinese is: 幸福快乐,健康第一.pps. (file size = 753 kb)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

More Photos taken during the Upgrading Course

A very Loving Couple

Penang Representative

Kak Mariah sharing some points with others

HK Koay, Irene & Lilian

The Twins of Kepong Station

Are they also twins?

KS Chia, Eric Ho & CK Yap

TS Ki, TC Loo & HK Koay

Beauty Queens

A Chinese Doctor cum CSCQ Practitioners from Sarawak

Encik Mustapha is Speaking (not singing this time)

Master Xu Lan-Fang

Oh Yeah! Its lunch time

Download a PPS file here if you wish. The title is 不要等太久.pps. The file size is 593 kb.